IMAX Pre-Show

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About The Project:
Background: Innovative companies such as IMAX have created technology that delivers an enhanced viewing experience, including high-quality screens, immersive sound systems, and other features that enhance the movie experience.
Objective: Produce a 45- to 60-second preshow video to showcase IMAX's ability to deliver an immersive experience.
Strategy: Use of high-speed video, combined with sound effects, to demonstrate each scene to the audience in order for them to be able to see the technology for themselves. Show each scene using high-speed video and sound effects to allow the audience to absorb the immersive technology.
Solution: The goal was to show cinema visitors what to expect when visiting an IMAX theatre. I focused on showcasing the most unique movie experience through IMAX high technology. The video features fast motion shots filled with details about amazing features such as superior screen quality and an immersive sound system. This makes it easier for visitors to prepare for their upcoming show! As well as giving them an idea of what to expect during their movie night out at the IMAX theatres, they make each scene energetic and motivational.
Pre-show video of 60 seconds

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